Add user/passwd for access to a page

Hi: I have created a php page and want to add security to the page. I know the data needs to be in the ~lsws/DEFAULT/conf/htpasswd. How do I add a new username/passwd and link it to a php file or directory.

I created a new realm under the Virtual Host Example with the following attributes

Realm Name: PolicyPHP
UserDB Location $VH_ROOT/conf/spt-passwd and added a user to the file
GroupDB Location $VH_ROOT/conf/spt-htgroup
cache and timeout: 200, 60

Created a new static type context with the above Realm, and above user, URI: /sprint/, Location: sprint/

when I point my browser to http://hostname:port/sprint/, iit prints the stuff in index.html without asking for password.
but http://hostname:port/protected does ask for the password.

Any file I can check to see what might be the issue?

"Authentication Name" and "Required" should be set in addition to "Realm" for the context. Please double check.
sorry forgot to mention. Yes they are set as well. All of them are default values except the following:

URI /sprint/
Location sprint/
Accessible Yes
Realm SprintPolicyPHP
Authentication Name Sprint
Required user rmalghan
Access Allowed *
Access Denied N/A
Add Default Charset Off
