Can't get xcache to install

Everything seems to compile correctly, and I added the xcache.ini to the php.ini file. Unfortately, I still get a strange error:

[root@localhost log]# php -v
Failed loading /usr/local/lsws/lsphp5/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/ /usr/local/lsws/lsphp5/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/ undefined symbol: zend_do_delayed_early_binding
PHP 5.1.6 (cli) (built: Apr 7 2009 08:00:18)

Curiously, it also says PHP 5.1.6 when I've selected 5.3.0 in during the build. Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
It looks like you have multiple php executable files, thus the different version numbers. You also need to recompile xcache for the version of PHP you plan on keeping.
I think you're quite right. I used the Admin console to recompile PHP, so I assumed it would take care of the old version. How do I get rid of the old one without hurting the new?

In other news, I looked at phpinfo() closer and discovered that it was looking for php.ini at /usr/local/lsws/lsphp5/lib -- no such file existed, but when I copied it there, xcache started working. :)
Well, I've spent two days trying to get LiteSpeed working. I finally got MySQL running, but get only 503s if memcache or xcache are loaded. Even with neither of them, all redirects result in a 503. I'm giving up and switching back to Apache. It's just not worth it to pay $92/month for each server for the pleasure of having so many headaches.


LiteSpeed Staff
Are you using a control panel? For cPanel, our WHM plugin will take care of everything.
The key for a smooth migration is to use the same PHP version for Apache and LSWS, so extensions built for Apache PHP will work without problem with LSWS PHP. Only when Apache is using the thread-safe version, you have to rebuilt all extensions as LSWS PHP does not build in thread-safe mode.


Well-Known Member
That's unfortunate. Most of the issues you are having are PHP issues and truly have nothing to do with LSWS. LSWS acts as a front end to PHP and if you do not configure PHP correctly, or use modules that are compiled incorrectly, or use cache optimizers like XCache and do not install them correctly, you will get 503 errors through LSWS. Basically, LSWS is passing on the error information from PHP in the form of 503 errors.

To fix them, you need to isolate what is wrong with your PHP installation.