very very slow my dedicaded server :( why

my server conf:

Processor AMD Bi Opteron 6128
16x 2.00+ GHz
2x12 Mb L3 - QPI 2x6.4 GT/sec

Virtualisation: AMD-V instructions

Architecture 32 bits


Hard disk 2x 1500 GB - SATA2

RAID 0/1

Top c:
top - 12:43:05 up 9:41, 2 users, load average: 4.99, 5.58, 7.04
Tasks: 475 total, 1 running, 474 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 0.0%us, 0.2%sy, 0.0%ni, 87.1%id, 12.5%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.1%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 33104216k total, 3566564k used, 29537652k free, 262072k buffers
Swap: 1046520k total, 0k used, 1046520k free, 2620660k cached
But very very slow :( Why. 3 website this server. (dedicaded) bizarre.
this server very very images (1 website images upload and share)

please help, because this don't good..


Well-Known Member
Mem: 33104216k total, 3566564k used, 29537652k free, 262072k buffers
Looks like you're only using 12% of your RAM. Linux usually tries to buffer all files it can and make use of RAM in full. 12.5% of i/o wait is not normal for a system like that, shows also that buffering is not working as it should. Do you have set up some RAM usage tweaks because you use a 32-bit system with 32GB RAM? Are you using a kernel that supports using all that RAM in 32-bit environment?
You have lots of cpu and ram but you have no disk performance at all, you want at least 4 spindles in a raid 10 configuration to handle the IO. Capacity is nothing when you don't have iops!