503 Errors with 4.1.3

I had to drop back to 4.1.1 because 4.1.3 starts giving me 503 errors after a few hours. I started noticing it when accessing phpmyadmin as it would get request timeout error screens. I checked the log and saw the 503 errors and noticed that they would fix themselves but come back later.

I noticed this issue with 4.1.2 then they reissued an update for it and it seemed to have fixed it but then again, 4.1.3 came shortly after so I may have not seen any issues.

Dropping back to 4.1.1 seems to go back to normal with no 503 errors.

We use the latest php and lsapi as well as the latest version of eaccelerator. We haven't made any changes since the to latest updates that would have affected the system to cause 503 errors.

Any ideas?