Search results

  1. J

    Chunked POSTs

    Does lsws support chunked POSTs?
  2. J

    Listener for port

    How do I create a listener that will listen to only one port of a domain name? For example I have I've set the listener to redirect to /home/example/public_html. How do I configure it so that it will redirect to /home/example6789/public_html?
  3. J

    Virtual host settings won't save

    I've been trying to get around this all day but nothing seems to be working. Normally when I change the settings of something in lsws a little note will appear at the top prompting me to apply changes by restarting the server. But this doens't seem to happen when I change the virtual host...
  4. J

    PHP Compiling error in Debian 4

    I've got the latest version of lsws installed on my server. It has php 4.4.8 on it. How do I upgrade to the latest version of php 5? I've tried compiling php rfom the admin control panel but I get the following error. Forcing buildconf using default Zend directory ./buildconf: line 68...
  5. J

    Error with

    there's an error in the file in the current free version of lsws (v3.3.12). The mime type for .htm,.html is set to text/htmln (extra n at the end) It will cause the successful install page to be downloaded instead of displayed since the browser does not recognise the mime type...