Search results

  1. M

    Limit X petitions per Y unit of time We need that to be included natively in LiteSpeed. You must be able to limit for example 5 petitions to all files (excluding types you mention, like .gif, .jpg, or whatever you put in the list) within X seconds. If over that...
  2. M

    TestCookie (Prevention of HTTP GET ATTACKS)

    May you code a native and fast test cookie option, like this module for nGinx ( . It should fastly test if the person is really human and not a bot by making a cookie with javascript, this...
  3. M

    I'm behind SYN FLOOD with Spoofed IP'S

    I have LiteSpeed + CSF + ALL RPS checks done + CentOS 6.2 fully updated + WHM... What to do? Thanks.