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  1. T

    Quick help! - Regex for splitting a string

    Hello, I want to split the string in following manner. Here are my strings for example: ----- "Hello this is a string.-2.34 This is an example1 string." "Hello this is another string.3.53 This is an example2 string." ----- Please note that "" is a U+F8FF unicode character. I want to...
  2. T

    Python: Reading unicode data from server and writing to a file

    Hello, I am fetching some strings from a server which have one utf-8 character. What I need to do is split on that UTF character and store the parts separately at 2 different places. For example: 詳細2.3 The '' in the above string is nothing but U+F8FF unicode character (UTF8: EF A3 BF)...