2GB / 4GB VPS License

I'm wondering about the two different VPS licenses; I have an OpenVZ VPS with 2GB physical and 4GB total RAM (including burst). Not sure if I should buy the regular 2GB VPS license, or the Ultra VPS license that serves up to 8GB or a 1 core license.

Does the VPS license "read" the 2GB actual RAM or the total RAM including the burst RAM?

Output of top:
top - 13:18:03 up 10 days,  8:24,  1 user,  load average: 0.21, 0.30, 0.26
Tasks:  89 total,   1 running,  88 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  0.1%us,  0.0%sy,  0.0%ni, 99.9%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st
Mem:   4194304k total,  1733364k used,  2460940k free,        0k buffers
Swap:        0k total,        0k used,        0k free,   561560k cached

Also, while my VPS load is low, I sometimes get widely varying number of connections from the netstat output. Here are various outputs of netstat -an | grep 80 | grep ESTA | wc taken over a few minutes:

      1       6      89
      4      24     356
     16      96    1424
     12      72    1068
      1       6      89
I'm not sure how to read the output ... is the larger number in the third column the number of concurrent connections, or a cumulative total that doesn't matter?
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your VPS's memory is 4G:
Mem: 4194304k total
to my search just now, this 4G also the burstable memory. Hence should use Ultra VPS license.

so not sure what "2GB actual RAM" means.
I'm not sure how to read the output ...
just read the 1st column, so the concurrent connections is very low -- max 16 for your example output.
your VPS's memory is 4G:

to my search just now, this 4G also the burstable memory. Hence should use Ultra VPS license.

so not sure what "2GB actual RAM" means.
Well, I meant guaranteed RAM, which I guess in OpenVZ is not really a limitation; I thought it meant that the "burstable" RAM was more akin to disk swap space but I did a bit of reading ... based on your response, so thanks for that ... and now see that I was subject to a common misconception.

Thanks for the clarification!