Custom LogFormat

I'm trying to add the virtualhost name to the access log (would be done by adding a %v to the LogFormat directive if using apache). Is this possible using LiteSpeed? I didn't see any option in the interface and couldn't find any reference in the documentation and/or forums.

Yes, but this only logs the litespeed virtual host name, not the actual HTTP host request. For example, we are using wildcard virtualhosts to respond to all subdomains of a particular domain. We wish to see for which subdomain each request is for. This information is contained in the HTTP request, but I dont see a way to log it anywhere. The current log format would show us the same virtual host name for all requests because of the wildcard. This information would not be very useful to us. Hope this makes sense.
please add it in the next version :)

this is one of the showstoppers for my migration atm. i need one awstats for every domain inside of the users template.