find: / proc / irq /: No such file or directory


New Member
I have purchased a license for VPS hosting. During installation I see:
Destination [/ usr / local / lsws]:

Serial number is available.
Would you like to register a license key for this server? [Y / n] y

Contacting licensing server ...

find: / proc / irq /: No such file or directory
2010-04-09 04:17:01.518 [NOTICE] [OK] Updated license key has been created at / root/lsws-4.0.13/license.key.
[OK] License key received.
find: / proc / irq /: No such file or directory
[OK] Leased license key 1 will expire in 29 days!

Please specify the user name of the administrator.
This is the user name required to log into the administration web interface.

User name [admin]:

OS CentOS 32bit

Why am I getting this error? and what should I do?