index.php page not loading


We have installed LS 4 on our Cpanel machine and have configured it correctly (or so we think) to run with LSAPI/lsphp5. Everything seems to be working, but for some reason the main page of our site is not loading while all others are. When the main page is accessed, it begins to loop and the load skyrockets. Any ideas?

Also, when you recompile php to be LSphp5, I assume we had to do this through LiteSpeed's Admin panel or did we need to do this through Cpanel's Apache Update function?

Thank you for your time


LiteSpeed Staff
You should run LiteSpeed with a port offset and compare the phpinfo() page with Apache's.

If you run Apache with mod_php, then you should turn off PHP suEXEC for LiteSpeed, if you use suphp, then enable PHPsuEXEC to make them match.