Query string and ruby lsapi

Hello everyone,

I just recently migrated to litespeed - since then (nothing else changed) one rails app doesn't work.

Here is what I get in the production.log

Parameters: {"action"=>"choose_image", "id"=>"", "?image"=>"20_roseflasche.pn", "controller"=>"wine", "wine_id"=>"41"}
Completed in 0.03811 (26 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.01122 (29%) | DB: 0.00624 (16%) | 200 OK [http://www.aaa.de/wine/choose_image/41?image=20_roseflasche.png]

Parameters should be action => "choose_image", wine_id => 41, id => "", image => "20_roseflasche.png"

I just reinstalled the latest lsapi/ruby to make sure that everything is up to date.



LiteSpeed Staff
It turns out that we only updated the gem package, but not the tgz package on our web site.
Just updated it, please download and reinstall.
I think you probably is not actually using the latest ruby lsapi 2.5.
Manual installation will have higher priority than GEM installation, make sure to remove all lsapi.so under your ruby library directory and reinstall again.
"?image" is caused by a bug in earlier 2.5 release package, should have been fixed.
A thread about this problem: http://www.litespeedtech.com/support/forum/showthread.php?t=1059
I just checked everything again - and removed the manual installation and installed the gem from http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=1959

And guess what - now it works!

Afterwards, I diff'ed the manual download and the gem

diff -r /root/old/ruby-lsapi-2.5/ext/lsapi/lsruby.c ./lsruby.c
> ++p;

So the manual download still contains the buggy code - you should probably update the manual download at http://www.litespeedtech.com/products/webserver/lsapi/

Also, why don't you increase the version number when something changes? This would have been much easier to catch. ;)

Nonetheless, thanks for fast feedback! Litespeed rocks!



LiteSpeed Staff
Also, why don't you increase the version number when something changes?
Lazy. ;)
The bug was fixed shortly after the initial release, so I guess not many users have downloaded it. Unfortunately, forgot to update the tgz package. My bad.