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  1. L

    A different Error 503 problem

    Thanks for the help. I'll have my lead developer look into it.
  2. L

    A different Error 503 problem

    Except the app works fine in webbrick and lighttpd. Only with LiteSpeed does it give me these errors. Here it is running on the Webbrick server:
  3. L

    A different Error 503 problem

    nothing in the stderr.log file this is the production log: # Logfile created on Wed Mar 05 17:30:44 -0500 2008 DRb::DRbConnError (druby://localhost:9010 - #<Errno::ECONNREFUSED: Connection refused - connect(2)>): /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:736:in `open'...
  4. L

    A different Error 503 problem

    Now the application just hangs. After around 5 minutes I get a "500 Internal Server Error" page.
  5. L

    A different Error 503 problem

    Updated... still having the problem. 2008-03-05 16:44:37.897 [INFO] [] add child process pid: 9862 2008-03-05 16:44:37.897 [INFO] [] pid list size: 1 2008-03-05 16:46:14.735 [INFO]...
  6. L

    A different Error 503 problem

    I am new to LSWS. I installed it last night after experiencing performance issues issues with Lighttpd and Ruby on Rails. All of my sites work except, a social networking site built in RoR. was working fine with Lighttpd and works...