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    Deletion of /tmp/lshhtpd swap & other lsws files

    If we have a daily cron which cleans out old files within our /tmp directory and the lsws swap dir is set to /tmp/lshttpd/swap and our FCGI uds address is uds://tmp/lshttpd/fcgi.sock will this affect the running lsws server if these files get whacked or will the server simply recreate them...
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    413 Customized Error Page not working

    I have setup a few customized error pages for 404, 500 & 413 (Request Entity Too Big). The 404 & 500 pages work fine as they go to my custom page. The 413 does not work however. I have the Max Request Body Size (bytes) set to 10M and when I attempt to upload a file larger than 10M via a FastCGI...
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    Relative 302 redirects

    We are currently moving from apache to lsws and I cannot seem to get a 302 redirect to work when using a relative url. This works on apache but not on lsws: Location: /images/logo.gif Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 Status: 302 Found Absolute urls work on both. Am I doing...
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    Migrating from Apache

    With the following config under Apache, ALL files ending in pl (or under the directory /pl/pages) are "dynamic" fastcgi apps: ---- except from httpd.conf --- AddHandler fastcgi-script .pl <Directory /home/some-user/www/pl> SetHandler fastcgi-script </Directory> --- How can...
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    Perl/FastCGI Probs - MIME type [€¤] for suffix '.fpl'...

    Hi, After running a website for the past couple of years on Enterprise Linux 3.x with apache 1.x, perl and fastcgi we have recently upgraded to ES4 which uses apache 2.x. We are now experiencing 'problems' with fastcgi and apache 2.x thus we are looking for a reasonable alternative. I have...