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  1. K

    LSWS 4.1RC1 release

    I really don't understand this versioning system at litespeed. 4.1rc1 should be followed by rc2, rc3 etc until 4.1 is released, no? at a minimum there should be some build number displayed somewhere, I still do not see that.... am I blind?
  2. K

    4.0.9 - 503 Errors?

    i've been running 4.0.10 since Aug3 and the 503 error issue was immediately resolved and has not returned.
  3. K

    4.0.9 - 503 Errors?

    I've been running 4.0.10 since approximately August 3rd and no longer have the intermittent 503 errors.
  4. K

    Upload Progress Bar

    When will I have the ability to properly support the various progress bars in a production environment that people are trying to use, this is becoming a real issue for me as I continue to promise end-users that the functionality is on the way. Also, as I can see it is now considered that...