Search results

  1. D

    OS X Startup Item

    Not sure where to post this... I'm just wondering if anyone has created an OS X startup item for LiteSpeed, and if so, if they would mind sharing it for others?
  2. D

    3.1 OS X downloads?

    The 3.1 OS X downloads all return a 404 error?
  3. D

    Rewrite Engine does not pick up correct REQUEST_FILENAME when using PATH_INFO

    There is an odd problem in LiteSpeed 3. When using the Rewrite Engine, the REQUEST_FILENAME doesn't appear to be correctly set when using urls that have PATH_INFO. For example, the following Rewrite Rules worked fine on earlier versions of LiteSpeed, and they also work fine on other...
  4. D

    3.0 Version Manager not downloading new releases

    The 3.0 version manager doesn't appear to be downloading new releases. The 2.2.6 manager downloaded and installed 3.0 just fine, but there has been a 3.0.1 release for a few days now, and the 3.0 manager has yet to download it. I have my version check setting set to daily, and the download...
  5. D

    Web Admin for 3.0 has PHP errors.

    I like the new look for the Web Admin, but mine is filled with PHP warnings and notices about expected arrays, etc. Most of the warnings come from classes/ws/ConfCenter.php, around the member $this->_serv->_data['listeners'] which the class expects to be an array. However, if you have no...
  6. D

    Huge props to the LiteSpeed team

    I just have to give a huge thanks and appreciation to the LiteSpeed team. I recently switched our production server from Apache 1.3 to LiteSpeed, which has saved us approx. 500 MB of RAM usage and 500 MB of swap space usage that Apache had to keep dipping into. That's a total of about 1 G of...
  7. D

    php SuEXEC no working?

    On my local development install of LSWS (2.2.6 Standard), I can't get php SuEXEC to work. I have followed the instructions at to set up a virtual host for php SuEXEC; however, the lsphp process is...
  8. D

    stderr.log and LSAPI core dumps

    I'm having some kind of issue with the PHP LSAPI module. It is doing core dumps all over the place in multiple web accounts. I know it is the LSAPI module because if I input the core dumps into bdg it tells me they are created by the PHP LSAPI module. But when I backtrace, the reason is...
  9. D

    Dedicated IP VirtualHosts from httpd.conf

    I've been thinking about using LiteSpeed on my production server which is cPanel controlled. I love the use Apache config option, but when I test it locally, it lumps all my SSL hosts under a single *:443 listener. Obviously this is no good as each SSL host needs a dedicated IP. They are...
  10. D

    SSL listeners cannot initiate handshake?

    Hey, I have installed the latest version of LiteSpeed on my Mac PowerBook (PPC) running OS X 10.4.8. I'm a PHP developer and using it for local development sites. I've migrated from Apache with no big problems other than it did not properly setup the SSL hosts. No big deal though as there...