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  1. Àlex Miras

    Display problems with ESI enabled modules

    IMHO I think that the cause is that is not implementing the template overrides: Without ESI: <div class="uk-panel" id="module-222"><div class="plg_system_eprivacy_module"><div class="uk-position-fixed plg_system_eprivacy_message uk-position-large uk-position-bottom-center uk-overlay...
  2. Àlex Miras

    Display problems with ESI enabled modules

    I have display problems with some modules if they are rendered as ESI: This is the same module none ESI rendered and how is supposed to look: This particular module is EU e-Privacy Directive, and it's one that you can't cache, but I found similar issues with other popular Joomla plugins...
  3. Àlex Miras

    Add QUIC version 43 to LSWS 5.2.8

    I have the 68.0.3440.42 version (Beta channel I think) and it seems that only wants the 43 version of QUIC I have CSF with 443 udp ports open and was working a few weeks ago (tested with the directions here). I'll test the RC, you're right, I can downgrade If things go wrong Thanks a lot for...
  4. Àlex Miras

    Add QUIC version 43 to LSWS 5.2.8

    Is it safe to upgrade? I would like to test the criu features also but I'm in a production server :/ I've been thinking for a couple of weeks that something was wrong with my QUIC configuration
  5. Àlex Miras

    Add QUIC version 43 to LSWS 5.2.8

    In LSWS Admin I have the QUIC Versions parameter not set and the header shows alt-svc: quic=":443"; ma=2592000; v="35,37,38,39" The HTTP/2 and SPDY indicator says http2 enabled and no green icon :/ But here, I can see that this forum has SPDY+quic/43 alt-svc: quic=":443"; ma=2592000...
  6. Àlex Miras

    [solved] LiteSpeed cache stopped working after upgrading the LiteSpeed

    Posting only to let know other people that the problem was setting Just in Time configuration to yes in lsws admin console that was preventing the <user> lscache folder from being created ;)
  7. Àlex Miras

    [solved] LiteSpeed cache stopped working after upgrading the LiteSpeed

    Not I can't by myself (Your customer is iozoom hosting provider and i have a vps with them with cpanel + cloudlinux + lsws + lscache) but iozoom opened a ticket for me a while ago :) Thats your respone: I have deleted all the lscache folders and this script: bash <(curl...
  8. Àlex Miras

    [solved] LiteSpeed cache stopped working after upgrading the LiteSpeed

    But is the only one that have lscache working with "x-litespeed-cache" hit or miss in header)
  9. Àlex Miras

    [solved] LiteSpeed cache stopped working after upgrading the LiteSpeed

    The one that I deleted the lscache folder don't have that folder after a service lsws restart
  10. Àlex Miras

    [solved] LiteSpeed cache stopped working after upgrading the LiteSpeed

    Done for one account and lscache "x-litespeed-cache" shows miss or hit :) But the problem is that no lscache folder is created in that account :/ Is using the home/lscache folder?
  11. Àlex Miras

    [solved] LiteSpeed cache stopped working after upgrading the LiteSpeed

    Another report for another account for If it helps to track the issue Número de informe: RXZTNYKP Fecha de informe: 05/25/2018 11:37:26 Another thing that may be a clue or not: the lscache folder is nobody:user but all the subfolders and files are user:user except .cm.log that is nobody:user...
  12. Àlex Miras

    [solved] LiteSpeed cache stopped working after upgrading the LiteSpeed

    I checked the root cache setup and It says it's ok, but also # bash <(curl % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent...
  13. Àlex Miras

    [solved] LiteSpeed cache stopped working after upgrading the LiteSpeed

    cache-control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0 cf-h2-pushed: </min/09942.css>,</min/1ed0b.js>,</min/a44be.js>,</min/css_async.js> cf-ray: 4200a642599b6127-BCN content-encoding: br content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 date: Thu, 24 May 2018 15:03:32 GMT expect-ct: max-age=604800...