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  1. M

    LiteSpeed VPS Edition

    mistwang, Thanks for the replies. I look forward to the official release. One question if I may, how will the cpu numbering work? For example I have single cpu VPSs and and quad core VPSs. Will there be one 'generic' of the VPS edition or different ones like the enterprise edition? Sorry about...
  2. M

    LiteSpeed VPS Edition

    Just caught this on the site, so I may have jumped the gun but there is no way to actually order the VPS version? I am very excited about this - does it differ greatly from the enterprise edition? (The compare link only shows the free vs enterprise edition). I know several people who will...
  3. M

    Manual Php Compile with cPanel

    Hi, I've been using PickledOnion's articles on Litespeed at When I first started using Litespeed I found them useful, I also think it would help with your PHP install as it includes the commands and prerequisites needed and also has screenshots of every...
  4. M

    ruby-lspai 2.5

    mistwang: Thanks so much for the quick response and although it was part of another thread that the "?" issue came from, I am very impressed with the speed of an update. Oh, in case I haven't made it clear - all is well with the newer 2.5. Thanks.
  5. M

    ruby-lspai 2.5

    Hi, This is going to very vague as I am not sure what or how to report it: I use Mephisto as my blogging software and have no problems with it (I love not messing around with mongrels!). Anyway, I updated to ruby-lsapi 2.5 and the administration functions failed with 'resource required'...
  6. M

    Subversion support?

    Wow, thanks for the suggestions guys. I will look at them all and see what's best. My spirits have been lifted :p mistwang: your link (bsSvnBrowser) is spot on. Obviously I have to test it but thank you so much!
  7. M

    Subversion support?

    Thanks for the quick responses. I am not sure what to do now. I must admit it is pretty essential. I am loathe to install apache just for that. Darn it.
  8. M

    Subversion support?

    Hi, I have been using Litespeed for a while now and love it. However I have come to a show stopper in that it doesn't seem to support subversion. Now, for any trac management projects I have (which litespeed handles very well) I need svn repos accessible via the web. Is this still correct...