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  1. G

    fcgi auth

    I'm working on getting the other answers to you, here's what I've gathered so far: on success the Perl FCGI responds like so: print(STDOUT "Set-Cookie: $c\n"); print(STDOUT "Status: 200 Authorised\n"); print(STDOUT "Variable-AUTH_USER_NAME...
  2. G

    fcgi auth

    webserver keeps restarting .... 2005-04-20 12:19:41.242 [DEBUG] [*:7777] 1 connections accepted! 2005-04-20 12:19:41.243 [DEBUG] [] ExtConn::onWrite() 2005-04-20 12:19:41.243 [DEBUG] [] connected to []...
  3. G

    fcgi auth

    All our servers are running FreeBSD Is there a release candidate for BSD ?
  4. G

    fcgi auth

    Do you mean the URI context "/" ? I tried "/www/" and then the page was served as if there was no fastcgi auth at all. If that's not what you meant, please explain what you mean by a ' a "static" context ' Thanks again for your time
  5. G

    fcgi auth

    alright, now the webserver returns "No input file specified." to the browser with the fastcgi auth on. what "file" is it talking about ? FCGI Context Definition URI / Fast CGI App [Server Level]: phpFcgi Allow Override N/A Realm N/A Authentication Name auth_name Required...
  6. G

    fcgi auth

    I have setup a fcgi authorizer like so, it's listening on the same box as the webserver on port 3456 <extProcessor> <type>fcgiauth</type> <name>Chuck_Auth</name> <address></address> <maxConns>2000</maxConns> <respBuffer>0</respBuffer>...