
  1. W

    Shop page changed after install and setup litespeed

    I have already searched through the forums but haven’t found a problem exactly like this yet. Seeking advice: could someone please help me out? After installing LiteSpeed on my website, the shop page and product pages have changed—the width shop page has shrunk, and the text...
  2. AndreyPopov

    Some issues with product recache by crawler

    a) in Opencart by default are THREE path to product page: 1. only product_id path: /index.php?route=product/product&product_id=41 2. by category_id (categoy path) /index.php?route=product/product&path=20_27&product_id=41 3. by manufacturer_id ...
  3. T

    Make magento block non cacheable

    we are using LITEMAGE CACHE 1.3.6 extension for magento 1.9.3 site, extension is working perfectly but issue is happen in recently view product block, we want make that block non-cachable, we have tried many solutions like: 1)Add route path in 'Do-Not-Cache Subroutes' configuration like...