[4.1] Anybody got graphs and such?


Well-Known Member
I'd like to see how other's LSWS is having their system run.

Also connections in waiting is weird. I did a few high php req/sec hits with httperf and they finish fast, lots of php proces spawn but it hits like 40 processes waiting.

Another curiousity of mine is how many req's does each php process handle in a row, 1?


Well-Known Member
please be more specific on which graphs you are referring to.

regarding php in waiting (EAProc WaitQ), it depends on your external app configurations (admin console -> configuration -> server -> external app -> lsphp5 -> max connections). you may adjust that (increase by 50 at a time). Note that environment variable PHP_LSAPI_CHILDREN needs to match Max Connections.

Another env variable PHP_LSAPI_MAX_REQUESTS defines how many req's each php process handles before exits.

Ref to http://www.litespeedtech.com/php-litespeed-sapi.html for more details on LSAPI env variables.