5.4.3 - Slowness / Outages


Well-Known Member

Our server(s) upgraded to 5.4.3 today and almost immediately we started to receive support complaints of customers unable to reach their site, slowness, broken CSS, etc.

Sadly the logs didn't provide much data besides PHP scripts exiting with 'Connection reset by peer'. We switched back to Apache to rule out anything related to Litespeed and all the issues went away.

After realizing that, we noticed 5.4.3 was just installed so we downgraded back to 5.4.2 and everything went back to normal.

Has LS received any other issues with 5.4.3? I'm not seeing anything in the threads but this was a wide scale issue for us, not sure if it's related to a configuration we run alongside with Litespeed or something else.


can you try 5.4.3 dbg build for a while ?
/usr/local/lsws/admin/misc/lsup.sh -d -f -v 5.4.3
if the issue is gone, then it's already included in the dbg build and will be next release build.

if the issue still persist, please log a ticket with us, so we can identify the issue precisely and fix it.