Capistrano Deployment


Active Member
I don't see the Capistrano wiki page up, but I'm sure somebody must be using Capistrano to deploy to LiteSpeed.

I found a post that suggested this as the restart command:

sudo "/usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl restart"

Is that the recommended way? Any other suggestions on setting up for Capistrano deployment with LiteSpeed?
Any Capistrano/Litespeed HowTos?

Any updates when the Capistrano howto will be uploaded? I, too, am interested in using Cap with LS to deploy my Rails apps.


Active Member
It would be nice if the HOW-TO included info on how to add the user to the sudoers file so that they are only granted the necessary access to execute the command:

sudo "/usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl restart"