Deletion of /tmp/lshhtpd swap & other lsws files

If we have a daily cron which cleans out old files within our /tmp directory and the lsws swap dir is set to /tmp/lshttpd/swap and our FCGI uds address is uds://tmp/lshttpd/fcgi.sock will this affect the running lsws server if these files get whacked or will the server simply recreate them?



LiteSpeed Staff
On linux Centos 4.2. "rm -rf /tmp/*" as root will not do any harm while LiteSpeed is running.

The /tmp/lshttpd is not effected/removed.

You can however cd into /tmp/lshttpd and remove swap but it will be created automatically when needed.

However, just because you could doesn't mean you should or it will work 100%. Basically, it works and doesn't appear to do any harm but use at your own risk as the clear-and-burn approach might not work in the future.