Joomla Cache Plugin

Can you provide any update on the Joomla cache extension? I am thinking about having a freelancer put something together if this is still years down the road. I just need a way to clear the cache for single pages that are changed without having to flush the entire site cache each time a change is made. Using a ?nocache work kind of works but even then sometimes the page changes are not reflected in the uncached version. I am thinking that the cache rules in the plugin will have to be much more complex in order to map single cache files to pages. I have something similar already set up in NGINX and with that I can just go in and manually clear the cache for that certain page by the friendly URL.
We would be interested in testing it on one of our dev sites if you are looking for testers. Thanks for the update and we are happy to hear that!
You can download it here. Be sure to follow the installation directions carefully including removing any existing htacess directives and adding the one provided.