Litespeed PHP Suexec Enable/Disable?

I have always noticed noticed 'Run under home directory (recommended for directadmin)'. So it would seem litespeed can turn off or on suexec under certain directories based on the wiki.

Is there more control on this option? This could be extremely beneficial for certain set ups, such as having litespeed run under user nobody or the webserver name for a wordpress install, and change to php sexec under the wp-admin folder if it could be controlled by a vhost config or .htaccess. Under a set up like this:

* logging into wp-admin the features would work as expected (such as wordpress updates, plugins) if this were possible.
* Under normal circumstances wordpress would not be able to modify itself, preventing a number of malware attacks that are common.

Other tasks like wp-cron could be run through crontab, wp-cli etc.


Staff member
On you on a control panel such as cpanel? Then you should use SuEXEC.
If on LSWS native, you can create separate PHP under each virtual host, which will then specify the user to be running.