lsphp5 not running?

The 'top' command on my server only shows the process as 'php' instead of 'lsphp5'. Does this mean the litespeed php engine isn't running?

Do I need to recompile in order to get litespeed running properly with php?


Well-Known Member
Not necessarily. Just means lsphp5 as a process never consumes enough resources to be top of the chart. Maybe you have both lsws and apache (or other web server that uses php) running and php process gets pop-up. Or it could be your lsphp5 ext app uses a binary with php as name.

To see whether lsphp5 is used, check your lsws server external app settings (make sure lsphp5 LSAPI is there and command path points to lsphp5 binary). create a phpinfo page under lsws and make a request to see if it is working. Looks for '--with-litespeed' option in Configure Command section. If it is there, then you are indeed using lsphp.
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