My mobile version of my website is getting slow after some hours

After installing LiteSpeed Cache, my website initially showed good speed scores. However, after testing the website speed on my mobile phone for a few days, the mobile version's speed dropped significantly below 67. Despite trying repeatedly, I couldn't improve the score. Can anyone help me resolve this issue?

Here's the website:


To improve the mobile speed of your website after installing LiteSpeed Cache:
  1. Clear the cache in both the plugin and your mobile browser.
  2. Check plugin settings for mobile optimization.
  3. Optimize your website for mobile devices.
  4. Test on different devices and browsers.
  5. Disable conflicting plugins and switch to a default theme.
  6. Consult LiteSpeed Cache documentation or support.
  7. Consider professional assistance if needed.


Well-Known Member

Please note that @Rimshagill's advice is non-specific. @Rimshagill doesn't seem to have specific knowledge of any issues with the Litespeed Cache plugin for Wordpress. Therefore, his advice can only be universal. For specific support with problems with the LiteSpeed Cache plugin, please use the Wodpress Support Forum for the LiteSpeed Cache plugin, because this is the only way to get direct support. This forum no longer offers official support for this plugin.
After installing LiteSpeed Cache, my website initially showed good speed scores. However, after testing the website speed on my mobile phone for a few days, the mobile version's speed dropped significantly below 67. Despite trying repeatedly, I couldn't improve the score. Can anyone help me resolve this issue?

Here's the website:
There could be several factors causing this problem. Here are a few troubleshooting steps you can try to resolve the issue:
  1. Clear your LiteSpeed Cache: Sometimes, caching plugins can cause conflicts or become corrupted. Try clearing the cache in LiteSpeed Cache and see if that improves the speed on your mobile device.
  2. Optimize images: Large image files can significantly slow down the loading time on mobile devices. Make sure your images are properly optimized for the web by reducing their size and compressing them without sacrificing too much quality. There are plugins available that can help with image optimization.
  3. Minify and combine CSS/JS files: Minifying and combining your CSS and JavaScript files can reduce the number of HTTP requests made by your website, resulting in faster load times. Some caching plugins offer options to automatically minify and combine these files. Check if LiteSpeed Cache has such features and enable them if available.
  4. Check for mobile-specific issues: Ensure that there are no mobile-specific issues affecting the speed of your website. Test your website on various mobile devices and use tools like Google's PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix to identify any specific mobile-related issues that need to be addressed.
  5. Evaluate other plugins/themes: In some cases, conflicts between LiteSpeed Cache and other plugins or themes can lead to decreased performance. Disable other plugins temporarily and switch to a default theme to see if the speed improves. If it does, gradually re-enable plugins and switch themes to identify the culprit.