Rewrite rule against ddos ?


Well-Known Member

I want to do something like this :

RewriteRule .* - [F]

But with nolog and not answering the call at all (treating it as a bad bot).

Can you please remind me how to get litespeed to stop answering the requst completly (not giving 403 error) and not logging the request.

I'm asking beacuse we moved a customer's site to a DDOS protected IP and the DDOS is still hitting litespeed. The 403 errors are using our bandwith and the error logging is using disk ressources.


Well-Known Member
Hello again,
It seems that I need to put this rule on a virtualhost level.

This is what I tried without success in the .htacces file :

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} \/cgi\-sys\/defaultwebpage\.cgi
RewriteRule .* - [E=blockbot:1,E=dontlog:1]

If I create an include for the virtualhost would it be something like this ?

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} \/cgi\-sys\/defaultwebpage\.cgi
RewriteRule /.* - [E=blockbot:1,E=dontlog:1]