Websites don't load after updating to 5.4

My websites are hosted on a different IP from the server's IP address. After updating from 5.3.8 to 5.4 none of the websites load. This was in the apache error log:

[/etc/apache2/conf/httpd.conf:188542] Listener for is not available!
[/etc/apache2/conf/httpd.conf:188542] Listener for is not available!
The is the IP address that the sites are hosted on.

How do I fix this? This has never happened before during an upgrade.
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try a full stop/start
This worked for all but 1 server. This particular server has no problems and is very fast on 5.3.8. Switching to 5.4.1 brings SSL access to a crawl and the Admin panel barely loads. I have to restart Litespeed every 2 - 3 minutes. I can't find any meaningful messages in the apache logs.


LiteSpeed Staff
Looks something is going on, which browser has problem? chrome? firefox?
It could be a problem with QUIC v46 support if it only happen to chrome. try disable QUIC in webadmin server -> tuning -> QUIC .