Won't Run Because of PHP Version =(

I've installed LSWS Enterprise Latest, installation went smoothly until I tried it on my browser and got:

"PHP version 5.1.0 or greater is required. Your PHP is version 4.4.9, please ask your host to upgrade it." :(

If PHP 5.1 is required why does LSWS ship with 4.4.9?

Then I tried upgrading PHP, I followed the direction at:


But the link to php-litespeed-4.7.tgz is broken! :(

Where else can I get php-litespeed-4.7.tgz?


CentOS 5.3
The PHP version requirement is from my scripts, not from LSWS.

The link to php-litespeed-4.7.tgz is indeed not up-to-date, but I found out I can upgrade PHP direct from the admin panel at mydomain.com:7080
I have just begun adjusting my websites to LSWS, just one issue so far and it's GeoIP.

How to do GeoIP from PHP and .htaccess with LSWS?

Before I could do:


This is giving error now.



Not giving error, but seems to be ignoring it.

How to do GeoIP with LSWS?
I had it installed on my apache, since it's compatible with geoip mod_apache and it was in httpd.conf why LSWS isn't loading GeoIP?

Maybe I have to compile GeoIP mod_apache again?

At maxmind.com/app/mod_geoip they have 2 version, one for apache 1.3 and the other for apache 2.0. Which one should I use with LSWS?
I have enable GeoIP in the admin panel, and restarted it.

But still sign of GeoIp on $_SERVER variables, also I have checked the log files and there's no error there.

I read something about having to specify the DB path, but I can't figure out where. LSWS doesn't seem to have a variable for this on the admin panel nor the config file.

So how to enable GeoIP on LSWS Enterprise?
I specificied the path and now it's working!! :D

In my case the path was /usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat

And I'm using GeoIP mod_apache compiled for apache 2.x

Now I can use it from PHP, retrieving the data from the $_SERVER varible.

How to access GeoIP data from the .htaccess?

The bellow still doesn't work:

It's working from the .htaccess too.

Had to adjust the sintaxe from:

RewriteRule . /ru/ [L,QSA]


RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /ru/ [L,QSA]

And now it's working! ;)

Thanks for the replies NiteWave, they helped me get up and running much faster than I would have on my own.