====== FishPig WordPress Integration ====== //**Note:** The settings in this section require the **[[litespeed_wiki:cache:lscwp|LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress plugin]]** to be installed on your WordPress and the Auto Purge All pages on Update box needs to be checked in the LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress plugin.// ===== Enable Cache for FishPig WP Integration ===== Set on a per store basis. Enable LiteMage Cache for FishPig WP integration. WordPress pages will be served from Magento and purged by edits to the WordPress backend. ===== WP Pages Public Cache TTL ===== Set on a per store basis. Determines how long (in seconds) WordPress public content is stored for. * Recommended value is 28800 seconds (or 8 hours). * The value of this setting will override the Public Cache TTL setting in the LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress plugin. ===== Cache Tag Prefix for WP LiteSpeed Cache Plugin[Optional] ===== Global setting. Add an alpha-numeric prefix to cache and purge tags. This should be set to exactly the same value as the Cache Tag Prefix setting in the LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress plugin Settings > Advanced tab. * This can be used to prevent issues when using multiple LiteSpeed caching extensions on the same server. * **NOTE:** If the LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress plugin Cache Prefix Setting is blank, this does not need to be set.