====== User-Defined Cache Rules ====== ===== Cacheable Routes ===== Global setting. Routes to be cached. Partial matches will also be cached. Space, comma, return separated. ===== Do-Not-Cache Subroutes ===== Global setting. Subroutes within cacheable routes to be excluded from caching. Space, comma, return separated. ===== Full Route Action Cache ===== Global setting. Tells LSWS to cache entire responses based on route actions instead of URLs. * The same content is cached for all URLs with the same action route. * For example, if all of your 404 pages are the same, you may add ''cms_index_noRoute'' to this list. * This setting uses case sensitive exact matching and is space, comma, return separated. * If you use **[[https://ecommerce.aheadworks.com/magento-extensions/shop-by-brand.html|AW Shop By Brand]]**, make sure that this setting does //not// include ''cms_index_noRoute'' as it was implemented using redirects from ''cms_index_noRoute'' ===== Do-Not-Cache GET Parameters ===== Global setting. Comma-separated list of GET variables that prevents caching URLs within Cacheable Routes. ===== URL Blacklist ===== Global setting. List of relative URLs contained in Cacheable Routes that you would like to exclude from caching. * Partial matches can be performed by adding an "*" to the end of a URL. * Space, comma, return separated. ===== Customized Block Names for “welcome” Tag ===== Global setting. Comma-separated list of customized block names associated with the “welcome” tag. These are private blocks and are only purged by login and logout events. ===== Customized Block Names for “toplinks” Tag ===== Global setting. Comma-separated list of customized block names associated with the “toplinks” tag. These are private blocks and are only purged by login and logout events. * For Ultimo theme, add ''header'' in this setting. ===== Additional Purge Tags for "toplinks" Blocks ===== Global Setting. By default, the "toplinks" tag is associated with the "cart" and "wishlist" tags. This setting associates additional purge tags with the "toplinks" tag. * For example, if you have Ultimo Theme and see minicompare on toplinks blocks you can add "compare" here. * Tags are predefined in the config.xml file under litemage/esiblock. * This setting uses a comma-separated list. ===== Customized Block Names for “messages” Tag ===== Global setting. Comma-separated list of customized block names associated with the “messages” tag. Only define here if the block is not derived from “Mage_Core_Block_Messages.”