====== LiteMage Cache ====== LiteMage Cache is the world's fastest full-page caching solution for Magento. Built on top of LSCache and designed specifically for Magento, LiteMage can assemble both public and private blocks from cache by [[https://www.litespeedtech.com/products/cache-plugins/magento-acceleration/hole-punching|hole-punching through ESI]] to deliver the best performance around. This wiki will guide you through all the steps needed to install and set up the components of LiteMage Cache. ===== LiteMage Tiers and Premium Support Tiers ===== * [[litespeed_wiki:cache:litemage:understand_tiers|Understanding LiteMage Tiers]] * [[litespeed_wiki:cache:litemage:support_tiers|Understanding LiteMage Premium Support Tiers]] ===== LiteMage Cache for Magento 2.x ===== * [[https://docs.litespeedtech.com/lscache/litemage/overview/|LiteMage 2 Documentation]] ===== LiteMage Cache for Magento 1.x ===== ==== Installation and Configuration ==== * [[litespeed_wiki:cache:litemage:installation|LiteMage Cache Installation for Magento 1.x]] * [[litespeed_wiki:cache:litemage:configuration|LiteMage Cache 1.x Extension Configuration]] ==== Troubleshooting and Information ==== * [[litespeed_wiki:cache:litemage:troubleshooting|LiteMage Cache 1.x Tips & Troubleshooting]] * [[litespeed_wiki:cache:litemage:troubleshooting:warmup|LiteMage 1.x Crawler and Warming up the Cache]] * [[litespeed_wiki:cache:litemage:supported_extensions|LiteMage 1.x Known Supported Extensions]] * [[litespeed_wiki:cache:litemage:faq|LiteMage Cache 1.x FAQ]]