====== CloudLinux Environment ====== ===== Install LiteSpeed on CloudLinux ===== |[[litespeed_wiki:cloudlinux:installation|Installation guide for CloudLinux ]]|How to install LiteSpeed on CloudLinux| ===== CloudLinux + Cpanel EA4 + LSWS ===== |[[litespeed_wiki:cpanel:use-cloudlinuxphpselector-on-ea4-with-lsws|Configure PHP Selector to be used on cpanel EA4+CL+LSWS]]|Configuring cPanel EA4 + CloudLinux + LSWS to Use CloudLinux PHP Selector Instead of EA4 MultiPHP| ===== CloudLinux + Plesk + LSWS ===== |[[litespeed_wiki:plesk:php_guide#for_cloudlinux_users|Configure PHP Selector Native PHP for Plesk]]|How to configure native PHP with CL PHP Selector with Plesk| ===== Configure PHP without control panel ===== |[[litespeed_wiki:cloudlinux:php-selector|CloudLinux PHP Selector]]|PHP Selector(CloudLinux) How-To: Install and Configurations with LSWS to work with CL PHP Selector without control panel| ===== Configuration ===== |[[litespeed_wiki:cloudlinux:cagefs|CloudLinux CageFS How-To]]|Installation and Configurations| ===== Advanced Configuration ===== |[[litespeed_wiki:cloudlinux:Different_PHP_versions_per_directories_using_PHP_Selector|Different PHP versions per directories using PHP Selector]]|How to configure different PHP versions per directories using PHP Selector| |[[litespeed_wiki:cloudlinux:lsphp_criu_enable | Enable CRIU]] | How to Enable CRIU for LSPHP| ===== How to Enable CloudLinux Ruby Python Selector for LSWS ===== |[[litespeed_wiki:cloudlinux:enable_ruby_python_selector]]|How to enable Ruby/Python selector?| ===== Related documentation ===== |[[http://docs.cloudlinux.com/index.html?litespeed_support.html|CloudLinux LiteSpeed Support]]|A CloudLinux PHP Selector installation guide for LiteSpeed | |[[http://docs.cloudlinux.com/index.html?lve.html|CloudLinux LVE]]|Understanding CloudLinux LVE | |[[http://docs.cloudlinux.com/index.html?cagefs.html|CloudLinux CageFS]]|Understanding CloudLinux CageFS | |[[http://docs.cloudlinux.com/index.html?optimumcache.html|CloudLinux OptimumCache]]|Understanding CloudLinux OptimumCache | |[[https://docs.cloudlinux.com/criu_support.html|CloudLinux CRIU]]|CRIU Support for Apache mod_lsapi in CloudLinux | ===== Troubleshooting ===== |[[litespeed_wiki:cloudlinux:508-resource-limit-reached|ClouxLinux 508 Resource Limit Reached]]|How to fix a "508 Resource Limit Reached" error | |[[litespeed_wiki:cloudlinux:cl_LVE_vs_lsws_PHP_suEXEC_Max_Conn|Understand LSWS "PHP suEXEC Max Conn" and Cloudlinux LVE]]|LSWS "PHP suEXEC Max Conn" should be always less than CL LVE EP | |[[litespeed_wiki:cloudlinux:php-not-started|Site Reached Its Capacity Limit!]]|How to fix a "Site reached its capacity limit!" error| |[[litespeed_wiki:cloudlinux:lve-limiting-nobody-user|Check If "nobody" User Is Limited By LVE]]|"nobody" user should NOT be limited| |[[litespeed_wiki:cloudlinux:litespeed-admin-503|LiteSpeed Admin returns 503 error on CloudLinux Server]]|"cannot allocate memory", LiteSpeed Admin returns 503 error on CloudLinux Server|