====== How to Disable CGI Scripts ====== To disable CGI scripts such as ''%%.cgi%%'', ''%%.pl%%'', etc, You need to turn off CGI within the Apache configuration, like so: Options -ExecCGI For control panel users, you may need to modify the related template to make the change permanent. You must also prevent users from overriding the **ExecCGI** option. Do so with the **DisableCgiOverride** option by adding the following to ''%%/etc/apache2/conf.d/includes/pre_main_global.conf%%'': DisableCgiOverride On When **DisableCgiOverride** is ''%%ON%%'', it will impossible to add new CGI scripts through ''%%.htaccess%%''. If you need to add a new CGI script handler, you have to do it in the virtual host config file, like this: Options -Indexes +ExecCGI AddHandler cgi-script .pl For more information, please read [[http://blog.litespeedtech.com/2013/03/15/closing-the-loopholes-disable-cgi-override/|Closing the Loopholes]].