====== IfDefine and IfModule not Supported ====== If you are used to using [[https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/core.html#ifdefine|''IfDefine'']] or [[https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/core.html#ifmodule|''IfModule'']] with Apache, you will notice that these conditionals behave differently with LiteSpeed. For example: RewriteRule (.*) https://google.com [R=301,L] This is because LiteSpeed doesn't support ''IfDefine'' and ''IfModule''. LiteSpeed will ignore such conditional checking and will always execute the directives enclosed within ''IfDefine'' or ''IfModule''. We do not recommend using ''IfDefine'' or ''IfModule''. If you already have such conditionals in use, and you'd like a work-around to allow you to bypass them on LiteSpeed, manually add ''ConditionToCheck'' (should be replaced by your actual definition or module name) to the [[https://www.litespeedtech.com/docs/webserver/config/general#apacheIgnoredModules|Ignore Apache Modules]] area.