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Use LiteSpeed with other hosting control panels

Since LiteSpeed can use Apache configuration directly, LiteSpeed should work well with any hosting control panel package that generates Apache configuration file.

Steps to replace Apache with LSWS

Load Apache Configuration => Yes
Auto Reload On Changes    => Yes (Changes made in WHM/cPanel will be applied automatically)
Apache Configuration File => /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf
Apache Port Offset  => 2000      (Try LiteSpeed on port 2080 and 2443 first, change to 0 later)
Apache IP Offset    => 0             
PHP suEXEC          => Yes       (Run PHP in suEXEC mode)
PHP suEXEC Max Conn => 5         (The maximum PHP processor each account can have)

If you have a script that monitors for the web server process, remember to update it to reflect the location of LSWS. If your datacenter or third-party administrator monitors your web server for you, you may want to contact them to inform them of the change.

Note for LiteSpeed Standard Edition

When LiteSpeed Standard Edition is used together with hosting control, when using Apache httpd.conf, it only can import top five <VirtualHost …> configuration sections based on the order in httpd.conf. So, if your web site shows the control panel welcome page, it means the limit has been hit, you should upgrade to our Enterprise Edition.