====== Licenses ====== |[[litespeed_wiki:licenses:choosing-a-license|Choosing A License]]|How to choose a license that fits your needs| |[[litespeed_wiki:admin:command-reference|Command Reference]]|Quick Reference for All Commands| |[[litespeed_wiki:licenses:trial-license|Trial License]]|How to get a trial license and related information about trial versions| |[[litespeed_wiki:licenses:activating-a-license|Activating A License]]|How to activate a new license on a new or existing installation| |[[litespeed_wiki:licenses:transfer-or-release-a-license|Transfer/Release License]]|How to transfer or release an existing license so it can be used on another server| |[[litespeed_wiki:licenses:upgrade-or-downgrade-a-license|Upgrade/Downgrade License]]|How to upgrade or downgrade your current license| |[[litespeed_wiki:licenses:yearly-upgrade-for-owned-licenses|Yearly Upgrade for Owned License]]|The yearly upgrade for owned licenses allows you to keep upgrading your version of LSWS| |[[litespeed_wiki:licenses:license-cancellation|Cancel a license]]|How to cancel my leased license| |[[litespeed_wiki:licenses:all-about-licenses|All about Licenses]]|Other FAQ regarding licenses| |[[litespeed_wiki:licenses:upgrade-to-paid-version|Upgrade LSWS to paid version]]|How to upgrade LiteSpeed Web Server from Standard Edition (free) to Enterprise Edition (paid)| |[[litespeed_wiki:licenses:add-lscache|Purchase LSCache as Module]]|Add page caching to a VPS, Ultra VPS, or 1-CPU license| |[[litespeed_wiki:licenses:ip-change|If my Server IP change, are there any changes I need to do for my license?]]|What should I do with my LSWS license if I change my server IP?| |[[litespeed_wiki:cpanel:whm-plugin-license|How to change license on cpanel?]]|Upgrade/Downgrade/Change license on cpanel/WHM| ====== License Errors====== |[[litespeed_wiki:licenses:upgrade-server-failed-with-license-error|Upgrade Server Failed With License Error]]|"[ERROR] You are not authorized to use this binary, please purchase upgrades."| |[[litespeed_wiki:licenses:vps-or-ultra-vps-license-limit|VPS or Ultra VPS license has reached its limit]]|"[ERROR] VPS license cannot be used on non VPS server."| |[[litespeed_wiki:licenses:trial_license_fail|Trial License Failure]]|"ERR LCT.2: Your trial period has terminated"| |[[litespeed_wiki:licenses:fix-incorrect-licence-key|Incorrect license key]]|"[ERROR] [LICENSE] License key operation failure: EXCEPTION LCA.2: fail to process"| |[[litespeed_wiki:licenses:max-number-of-servers-reached|Migrate a license]]|"The maximum number of server(s) can be installed with this serial number has been reached. "| |[[litespeed_wiki:licenses:Failed-to-contact-license-server|What to do when failed to contact license server?]]|"Failed to contact license server", What to check?| |[[litespeed_wiki:licenses:new-license-type-require-lsws53|New license type needs LSWS 5.3 to run]]|"ERR LC.V: New license type is not supported prior to 5.3"| |[[litespeed_wiki:licenses:Cannot-determine-the-Home-of-LiteSpeed-Web-Server|Can not determine installation root of LSWS when activating license]]|"Can't determine the Home of LiteSpeed Web Server"| |[[litespeed_wiki:licenses:locked-ip|How to do with locked IP license error?]]|"IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx does not match locked IP"| |[[litespeed_wiki:licenses:fail-to-decrypt-license-key|My owned license errors out "fail to decrypt license key received" on a old LSWS version]]|"fail to decrypt license key received"| |[[litespeed_wiki:licenses:domain-limit-has-been-reached|Newly installed LSWS on cpanel with a site owner license could not be started,why? ]]|"Domain limit has been reached, domain limit: 5, total domains: xx"| |[[litespeed_wiki:licenses:critical_alert|"critical_alert" license error checker]]| "lsws/logs/critical_alert" log file will show common license errors that could cause LSWS to stop working|