Table of Contents

LSCache Configuration Without Plugins

If there is a plugin available for your application, we strongly recommend you use it. There are significant advantages to a plugin, that you cannot get with simple rewrite rules. Learn More.

If there is no plugin available, you can still use LSCache with your web applications. First, you will need to execute a few common no-plugin cache setup steps. Once that is complete, follow the instructions for your particular web application below.

Configure Cache Root

These should be part of the installation snippet and also part of the new “without a plugin” page

For more information, see LiteSpeed Web Cache Common Installation Guide.

Advanced LSCache Configurations

LSCache ESI SupportHow to enable ESI support
LSCache PURGE How to purge LSCache

See Also

See also the following related topics:

How to check page load speed through Chrome or Firefox?

Avoid network bottleneck