Release Log 2023-10-27 21:45:46 LiteSpeed Cache Plugin for Joomla is constantly updated with new features and bug fixes.

LSCache Plugin for Joomla
Release Log

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LiteSpeed Cache Plugin for Joomla is constantly updated with new features and bug fixes.

LSCache Plugin Latest(10-17-2023)Bugfixe

  • BUGFIX Fix a Joomla4 bug which cause user page cache not updated when modify user data.

LSCache Plugin 1.5.1(07-30-2021)New Features, Updates and Bugfixes

  • NEW FEATURE Joomla v4 RC4 support.
  • NEW FEATURE "Purge after Post Back" feature and GUI option.
  • UPDATE Add ESI Module 'Separate View for Different Languages' option.
  • UPDATE Add 'Generate LSCache Header before Render' GUI option to avoid conflicts with some 3rd party plugins.
  • UPDATE Notify user to check and uncomment .htaccess directives after changing 'Separate View for Mobile Device' option value.
  • BUGFIX Address a virtuemart SQL error bug.
  • BUGFIX Address an Advanced ESI Module bug.

LSCache Plugin 1.5(04-30-2021)New Features, Updates and Bugfixes

  • NEW FEATURE Automatically disable Gzip Page Compression in Server Settings after installing lscache plugin to avoid ESI module issues.
  • NEW FEATURE "Purge Category Cache on Article Save" GUI option.
  • UPDATE Provide 'onLSCacheExpired' event trigger to purge LiteSpeed Cache by 3rd party plugins (JCH Optimize).
  • UPDATE Only purge LiteSpeed Cache of select component entries when clearing select component system cache.
  • UPDATE Only purge the current menu item, and not related menu items, when saving a menu.
  • BUGFIX Address "warning: call to a member function purgeprivate() on null" bug.

LSCache Plugin 1.4(03-03-2021)New Features, Updates and Bugfixes

  • NEW FEATURE Use ajax calls to render ESI modules on OpenLiteSpeed Web Server.
  • NEW FEATURE Add "Purge LiteSpeed Cache" button to admin status bar.
  • UPDATE Add French language support. (Thank you GEORGES Gerald for your contribution)
  • UPDATE Load ESI module language file before rendering module content in case language file has not yet been loaded.
  • UPDATE Purge URL now supports reverse proxies (cloudflare, nginx, etc).
  • UPDATE Add purge URL domain check, new lines for each message, and improved language strings. (Thank you @AndySDH for your contribution)
  • BUGFIX sh404sef component 404 page is no longer cached.

LSCache Plugin 1.3.2(10-09-2020)New Features, Updates and Bugfixes

  • NEW FEATURE Added advanced ESI module feature and GUI option. Advanced ESI module output will be processed by Joomla plugins as with normal Joomla modules.
  • NEW FEATURE Added ESI Always Enabled GUI option (for customized ESI blocks) and Logged-in User Override ESI GUI option.
  • NEW FEATURE Added optional .htaccess directives to support Joomla's 'Remember Me' Login option.
  • UPDATE Use Private ESI Block to render Joomla hidden token form, to support more 3rd party plugins/components.
  • UPDATE Disabled 1.3.1 feature that auto purged a cached page with a POST response. In some cases, a purge is not required and would cause unnecessary slowdown.
  • BUGFIX Purge URL no longer fails on HTTPS URLs when website has incorrect SSL certification.

LSCache Plugin 1.3.1(05-15-2020)New Features, Improvements and Bugfixes

  • NEW FEATURE Added compatibility for most front end page/article/comment edit forms.
  • NEW FEATURE Added option to separate cache copy by user group.
  • NEW FEATURE Added auto purging to user profiles (editing user information will now purge related user profile pages).
  • IMPROVEMENT Prevent expired login sessions from being cached.
  • IMPROVEMENT Automatically Disable VirtueMart cache in cases where it would cause incorrect page content to be cached.
  • BUGFIX Fixed edit article purge event causing all category article pages to be purged.
  • BUGFIX Frontend article edit forms are no longer cached.
  • BUGFIX Fixed an "Undefined offset" warning.
  • BUGFIX Fixed ESI module not rendering for some sites.

LSCache Plugin 1.3.0(11-08-2018)New Features and Improvements

  • NEW FEATURE Added 'Purge Input URLs' feature.
  • NEW FEATURE Added 'Purge Select Modules' feature.
  • NEW FEATURE Added 'Rebuild All Cache' web interface in 'Advanced Options'.
  • IMPROVEMENT Now compatible with Joomla v3.9.
  • IMPROVEMENT Now stops 'Rebuild All Cache' if the crawler is disabled at the server level.

LSCache Plugin 1.2.1(10-18-2018)New Features and Improvements

  • NEW FEATURE Added Admin IP option allowing set IP list to access LSCache web interface.
  • NEW FEATURE Added OnLSCacheExpired Event. Triggering this event will purge all LiteSpeed Cache.
  • NEW FEATURE Added 3rd party 'Komento Comments' component support. It now has auto-purge feature.
  • IMPROVEMENT Improved 'Recache All Cache' feature compability to note exceptions and different versions.
  • IMPROVEMENT Reset opcache after LiteSpeed Cache plugin is installed or updated.
  • IMPROVEMENT Improved admin control panel appearance for lower Joomla versions.
  • IMPROVEMENT Improved ESI module multi-language support.
  • IMPROVEMENT Solved 'invalid token' problem caused by 3rd party components/modules.
  • IMPROVEMENT In Jooma Article panel clicking "featured" or "unfeatured" button will auto purge related article pages.
  • IMPROVEMENT Auto purge all LiteSpeed Cache after clearing all Joomla object cache in admin panel.
  • IMPROVEMENT Auto purge all LiteSpeed Cache after JCHOptimize plugin 'clean cache' button is clicked.
  • IMPROVEMENT Added package build script to generate latest installation package from latest source code in GitHub.
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug which could cause an inability to turn off LiteSpeed Cache in admin panel.
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug which could cause an error when deleting a user or opening user email.
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug which could cause blog page not to purge automatically.

LSCache Plugin 1.2.0(5-31-2018)New Features and Improvments

  • MAJOR NEW FEATURE Add Auto Recache feature, automatically recache relate web pages after its cache been purged.
  • MAJOR NEW FEATURE After modify Joomla Templates automatically purge related webpage
  • NEW FEATURE Automatically distinguish login modules and render it as private ESI module to avoid token fail problem
  • IMPROVEMENT Automatically add initial directives in htaccess file after installation at first time
  • IMPROVEMENT Render ESI cached module from homepage instead of from current page (if the module displayed in homepage ) to avoid some potential problems
  • IMPROVEMENT Recache function improve support to SEF (search engine friendly) urls
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug related to "Purge All LiteSpeed Cache" when plugin is disabled

LSCache Plugin 1.1.1(3-30-2018)New Features and Bugfix

  • MAJOR NEW FEATURE Add "Rebuild All LiteSpeed Cache" button, it will crawl all web pages to generate LiteSpeed Cache
  • MAJOR NEW FEATURE Add support to component VirtualMart, front end/back end modification will automatically purge related cache (eg: shopping cart)
  • NEW FEATURE Add support to component SP Builder, front end/back end modification will automatically purge related cache
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug related to Jabuilder component support

LSCache Plugin 1.1.0(3-23-2018)New Features and Improvements

  • IMPROVEMENT Add a framework allowing 3rd party component/module compatible code wrapped into an individual php file, and load dynamically.
  • NEW FEATURE Add support to component JA_BUILDER, front end/back end modification will automatically purge related cache
  • NEW FEATURE Add support to component K2, back end modification will automatically purge related cache

LSCache Plugin 1.0.1(3-16-2018)New Features and Improvements

  • NEW FEATURE Add upgrade sql, allow upgrade plugin without uninstalling old version
  • NEW FEATURE Support Article embedded modules, module change will auto purge the embedded article page cache.
  • IMPROVEMENT Improve compability to OpenLiteSpeed Web Server
  • IMPROVEMENT Improve compability to joomla lower 3.x versions.

LSCache Plugin 1.0(3-8-2018)New Features and Improvements, Bufixes

  • MAJOR NEW FEATURE ESI module can be public/private cached, ESI feature not rely on htaccess settings
  • MAJOR NEW FEATURE Add Logged-in user cache options
  • NEW FEATURE Exclude Rule add Exclude Component option
  • NEW FEATURE Add a web interface allowing purge all LiteSpeed Cache by 3rd party plugins
  • IMPROVEMENT Exclude wrong responde httpcode (404,500,etc) web pages from cache
  • IMPROVEMENT URL Exclude rules support Regular Expression
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug related to front end login
  • BUGFIX Fixed a bug related to automatically purge all cache after upgrade cache plugin

LSCache Plugin 1.0 Beta(2-8-2018)Initial Release

  • NEW FEATURE Automatically purge related webpage after modify Joomla Menuitem
  • NEW FEATURE After modify Joomla Modules automatically purge related webpage
  • NEW FEATURE Automatically purge related webpage after modify Joomla Articles
  • NEW FEATURE ESI Modules Management.
  • NEW FEATURE Exclude rule setting (Exclude Menuitems, Exclude URLs)