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litespeed_wiki:apache:migration [2015/07/07 21:27]
Jackson Zhang [Step 2: Install PHP]
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-====== How to Convert Standalone Apache to LiteSpeed ====== 
-This wiki covers how to set up LSWS (either Enterprise or Standard [[litespeed_wiki:​license:​what_license_to_choose|editions]]) on a server that already has a working Apache installation but no control panel. 
-===== Step 1: Install LiteSpeed Speed Web Server ===== 
-==== 1.1 Download ==== 
-Download LSWS tarball from the [[http://​www.litespeedtech.com/​download/​litespeed-web-server-download|LiteSpeed Technologies website]]. 
-Run the following commands from ssh as root 
-  cd /root 
-  wget http://​www.litespeedtech.com/​packages/​4.0/​lsws-4.2.12-ent-x86_64-linux.tar.gz 
-**Note:** Replace the values in the URL to control for your OS and which version/​[[litespeed_wiki:​license:​what_license_to_choose|edition]] of LSWS you wish to download: 
-''​lsws-4.2.12-ent-x86_64-linux''​ = LSWS Enterprise 4.2.12 for 64bit Linux 
-''​lsws-4.2.10-std-i386-linux''​ = LSWS Standard 4.2.10 for 32bit Linux 
-''​lsws-4.2.12-ent-x86_64-freebsd6''​ = LSWS Enterprise 4.2.12 for 64bit FreeBSD 6.x 
-==== 1.2 Unpack ==== 
-  tar zxfv  lsws-4.2.12-ent-x86_64-linux.tar.gz 
-==== 1.3 Run the installation script ==== 
-For Enterprise Edition, make sure to put the license file (trial.key or paid license serial.no file in the unpacked folder). 
-  cd lsws-4.2.12 
-  ./​install.sh 
-The installer will ask you a number of questions (covered in detail [[http://​www.litespeedtech.com/​docs/​webserver/​install|here]]). Choose the default setting when in doubt, but you have to set the same username and groupname as Apache for LiteSpeed process to run as (choosing LiteSpeed default setting nobody:​nobody may create file permission problem): 
-    * LiteSpeed target install directory (/​usr/​local/​lsws). 
-    * Assign the same username and group as Apache for LSWS to run as (You need to check with Apache configuration or Apache running process. It maybe nobody:​nobody,​ apache:​apache or www-data:​www-data etc.) 
-    * Listen port (8088)(8088 is for sample testing site only. LSWS will automatically check Apache configuration for Listening port if "Load Apache Configure"​ selected as instructed below). 
-    * Default Web Admin Port:7080 
-    * Assign a username and password for LSWS web admin console. 
-    * Your email address as the Administrators email. 
-===== Step 2: Install PHP ===== 
-Two options for setting up PHP for LiteSpeed: 
-  - Enable the LiteSpeed repository and download LSPHP from our repository. See [[litespeed_wiki:​php:​rpm#​installing_php_from_the_litespeed_repository|instructions]] here. 
-  - If you are not using CentOS or you need PHP packages that are not included in our repository, you can build your own PHP from source. See [[litespeed_wiki:​apache:​migration:​buildphp|instructions]] here. You may need to create your own php.ini file for your compiled binary. It can be copied from your exiting Apache PHP configuration or from PHP source code package php.ini-production file. For example for Debain Apache2, you may run: 
-<​code>​cp /​etc/​php5/​apache2/​php.ini /​usr/​local/​lsws/​lsphp5/​lib/​php.ini </​code>​ 
-Of course, Apache php.ini location or LSPHP installation prefix may be different. You can easily change it accordingly. ​ 
-===== Step 3: Load Apache Configuration in LSWS ===== 
-Open LiteSpeed Web admin console, under "​server"​→"​General"​ tab, change configurations in "Using Apache Configuration File" table. 
-Load Apache Configuration => Yes 
-Auto Reload On Changes => Use Apache Binary Wrapper ​ 
-Apache Configuration File => /​usr/​local/​apache/​conf/​httpd.conf 
-Apache Port Offset => 2000 (Try LiteSpeed on port 2080 and 2443 first, change to 0 later, do NOT use 8088 or 8008) 
-Apache IP Offset => 0  
-PHP suEXEC => Yes (Run PHP in suEXEC mode) 
-PHP suEXEC Max Conn => 5 (The maximum PHP processor each account can have) 
-**Note:​** ​ 
-  * "PHP suEXEC Max Conn" can be adjusted based how many and how big the sites has been hosted. For a server dedicated for a large Wordpress or vBulletin site, you can safely increase it to "​10",​ "​15"​ or "​20",​ try different value and see what is the best for you. 
-  * Different system/​platform,​ default Apache Configuration File is different. For example, for CentOS, it is located at /​etc/​httpd/​conf/​httpd.conf;​ for WHM/cPanel, it is /​usr/​local/​apache/​conf/​httpd.conf;​ for Debian Apache2, it is /​etc/​apache2/​apache2.conf. ​ 
-Sometimes your Apache conf file may have environment parameters set in /​etc/​apache2/​envvars or other locations, such as: 
-  ... 
-You have to include it in "​Apache Environment"​ within "Using Apache Configuration File" table in the Web Admin Console.For example: ​ 
-  APACHE_RUN_USER=www-data 
-  APACHE_RUN_GROUP=www-data 
-  APACHE_PID_FILE=/​var/​run/​apache2.pid 
-  APACHE_RUN_DIR=/​var/​run/​apache2 
-  ​ 
-If LiteSpeed runs into some absolute path problem such as 
-  [/​etc/​apache2/​apache2.conf:​250] Failed to get absolute path for [/​usr/​local/​apache/​ports.conf]! 
-  2015-07-06 12:​37:​03.282 ERROR [/​etc/​apache2/​apache2.conf:​267] Failed to get absolute path for     ​[/​usr/​local/​apache/​conf.d/​]! 
-  2015-07-06 12:​37:​03.282 ERROR [/​etc/​apache2/​apache2.conf:​270] Failed to get absolute path for   ​[/​usr/​local/​apache/​sites-enabled/​]! 
-  2015-07-06 12:​37:​03.582 ERROR HttpListener::​start():​ Can't listen at address​80:​ Address already in use! 
-  2015-07-06 12:​37:​03.582 ERROR HttpServer::​addListener(​80) failed to create new listener 
-  2015-07-06 12:​37:​03.882 ERROR HttpListener::​start():​ Can't listen at address​80:​ Address already in use! 
-  2015-07-06 12:​37:​03.883 ERROR HttpServer::​addListener(​80) failed to create new listener 
-  2015-07-06 12:​37:​03.883 ERROR [:5] Listener for default is not available! 
-  2015-07-06 12:​37:​16.601 ERROR [ADMIN] authentication failed! 
-  2015-07-06 12:​38:​12.156 ERROR [ADMIN] authentication failed! 
-which simply means your apache2 configuration may have some relative path problem. You may just set server root in apache2 configuration to clear all above absolute path errors. 
-  ServerRoot "/​etc/​apache2"​ 
-  ​ 
-Most of the time, LSWS loads your Apache configuration straight away without any error. 
-===== Step 4: Start LiteSpeed again ===== 
-Restart LSWS and try web sites hosted on port 2080 and secured sites on 2443. If all sites work properly, stop Apache, change "​Apache Port Offset"​ to 0, restart LSWS, all hosted web sites are powered by LiteSpeed now. 
-**Note:** Remember to change rc script configuration to remove httpd from the services that get started automatically during a reboot. For example, On CentOS, try this from a root shell: 
-   ​chkconfig httpd off 
-You may also want to add lsws to be started automatically during a reboot: 
-   ​chkconfig lsws on 
-On Debian, try the following: 
-  update-rc.d -f apache2 ​ remove 
-  update-rc.d lsws defaults 
-===== Step 5: Monitor ===== 
-If you have a script that monitors for the web server process, remember to update it to reflect the location of LSWS. 
-That's it. 
  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2015/07/07 21:27
  • by Jackson Zhang