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How to secure web administration console with HTTPS/SSL

1. go to admin console → listeners


2. add a listener called adminListenerSSL or something like that, make it listen on port 7081 (suggestion) and require SSL

3. then go to the SSL tab and edit it,

<your.server>:7080/config/confMgr.php?m=al_adminListenerSSL&p=lsecure&t=L_CE RT&a=e

4. in the shell, go to lsws/conf/cert/ then ran:

openssl genrsa -out admin.key 1024

and then this:

openssl req -new -x509 -key admin.key -out admin.crt -days 365

5. set Private Key File to $SERVER_ROOT/conf/cert/admin.key 6. set Certificate File to $SERVER_ROOT/conf/cert/admin.crt

7. save changes, graceful restart, make sure 7081 is open in your firewall

try https:<your.server>:7081 and it works for me!

  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2015/02/14 13:14
  • (external edit)