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litespeed_wiki:cache:common:geoip-support [2019/03/25 20:02]
Jackson Zhang
litespeed_wiki:cache:common:geoip-support [2019/04/16 20:25]
Jackson Zhang
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   /​usr/​share/​GeoIP/​GeoLite2-Country.mmdb   /​usr/​share/​GeoIP/​GeoLite2-Country.mmdb
   ​   ​
-=== Setup database file path "​DB ​File Path" ​and database "​DB ​Name"=== +=== Set up Database ​File Path and Name === 
-In LSWS WebAdmin, configure the database location and name(Both ​"DB File Path" ​and "DB Name" ​are mandatory and can not be empty). ​The db name is also important. You will need to use "COUNTRY_DB" ​for Country ​database, ​"CITY_DB" ​for city database. Navigate to **Configuration > Server > General > General settings** and set  **[[https://​www.litespeedtech.com/​docs/​webserver/​config/​general#​geolocationDB|IP to GeoLocation DB]]** to the database path, then set "DB Name" ​to "COUNTRY_DB" ​or "CITY_DB""Environment Variables" ​and "Notes" ​are optional.+In LSWS WebAdmin, configure the database location and name(Both ​**DB File Path** and **DB Name** are mandatory and can not be empty). ​Your choice of DB name is important: you must use ''​COUNTRY_DB'' ​for a country ​database, ​and ''​CITY_DB'' ​for city database. Navigate to **Configuration > Server > General > General settings** and set  **[[https://​www.litespeedtech.com/​docs/​webserver/​config/​general#​geolocationDB|IP to GeoLocation DB]]** to the database path. Then set **DB Name** to ''​COUNTRY_DB'' ​or ''​CITY_DB''​**Environment Variables** and **Notes** are optional.
 {{ :​litespeed_wiki:​cache:​common:​litespeed-enable-geoip2-11.png?​800 |}} {{ :​litespeed_wiki:​cache:​common:​litespeed-enable-geoip2-11.png?​800 |}}
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 {{ :​litespeed_wiki:​cache:​common:​litespeed-enable-geoip2-22.png?​800 |}} {{ :​litespeed_wiki:​cache:​common:​litespeed-enable-geoip2-22.png?​800 |}}
-Alternatively, you can edit the LSWS configuration file directly: ​+Alternately, you can edit the LSWS configuration file directly: ​
 <​code>​ vi /​usr/​local/​lsws/​conf/​httpd_config.xml</​code> ​ <​code>​ vi /​usr/​local/​lsws/​conf/​httpd_config.xml</​code> ​
Line 45: Line 45:
  </​ipToGeo>​  </​ipToGeo>​
   </​code>​   </​code>​
 +==== Advanced Configuration:​GEOIP2 Envirment Variables ====
 +The full power of the GeoIP2 facility requires use of the environment variables in the Litespeed Configuration. ​ The description of the format used is designed to be as similar as possible as the Apache mod_maxminddb environment described [[https://​github.com/​maxmind/​mod_maxminddb|here]] specifically for the MaxMindDBEnv variable. ​ Each environment variable is specified in the environment text box as one line:
 +  * The name of the environment variable that will be exported, for example ''​GEOIP_COUNTRY_NAME''​
 +  * A space
 +  * The logical name of the environment variable. ​ That consists of:
 +    * It uses the name of the database as specified in the DB Name field as the prefix. ​ For example COUNTRY_DB
 +    * A forward slash /
 +    * The forward slash separated name of the field as displayed in ''​mmdblookup''​. ​ For example: ''​country/​names/​en''​
 +Thus the default generates:
 +  GEOIP_COUNTRY_NAME COUNTRY_DB/​country/​names/​en
 +If you wanted the country code to be displayed in Spanish, you would enter the environment variable:
 +  GEOIP_COUNTRY_NAME COUNTRY_DB/​country/​names/​es
 +Note that if a variable is used by multiple databases (for example, the default ''​GEOIP_COUNTRY_NAME''​) you need to override the value in the last database specified (or all databases in case they get reordered, just to be safe).
 +Note that ''​subdivisions''​ is an array and must be referenced by index (usually ''​0''​ or ''​1''​).
 +The default environment variables vary by database and are designed to be as similar to the legacy GeoIP environment variables as possible.
 +Our default list is:
 +  "​GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE",​ "/​country/​iso_code" ​
 +  "​GEOIP_CONTINENT_CODE",​ "/​continent/​code" ​
 +  "​GEOIP_REGION",​ "/​subdivisions/​0/​iso_code"​
 +  "​GEOIP_METRO_CODE",​ "/​location/​metro_code"​
 +  "​GEOIP_LATITUDE",​ "/​location/​latitude"​
 +  "​GEOIP_LONGITUDE",​ "/​location/​longitude"​
 +  "​GEOIP_POSTAL_CODE",​ "/​postal/​code"​
 +  "​GEOIP_CITY",​ "/​city/​names/​en"​
 +You can customize the configuration to add the environment variables you want as describe above. ​
 +=== Example 1: Make sure the entry name correct ===
 +you can add the following. ​
 +  GEOIP_REGION_NAME CITY_DB/​subdivisions/​0/​names/​en
 +Please make sure the correct entry name is used. For example, the following is incorrect. ​
 +  GEOIP_REGION_NAME CITY_DB/​subdivisions/​0/​name/​en
 +=== Example 2 === 
 +You can customize a name as "​MyTest_COUNTRY_CODE"​ as the following:
 +  MyTest_COUNTRY_CODE CITY_DB/​country/​iso_code
 +  ​
 +{{ :​litespeed_wiki:​cache:​common:​litespeed-geoip2-variables-e1.png?​800 |}}
 +It will show from phpinfo.php page as:
 +   ​_SERVER["​MyTest_COUNTRY_CODE"​] ​ US
 +"​US"​ will be replaced by your country code visiting from, such "​SG"​ or others.
 +=== Example 3 ===
 +You can customize a name as "​MyTest2_COUNTRY_CODE"​ by using a defined COUNTRY DB name "​COUNTRY_DB_20190402"​ with a contry database.
 +  MyTest2_COUNTRY_CODE COUNTRY_DB_20190402/​country/​iso_code
 +{{ :​litespeed_wiki:​cache:​common:​litespeed-geoip2-variables-e2.png?​800 |}}  ​
 +It will show from phpinfo.php page as:
 +=== Example 4 ===
 +You can customize like the following:
 +  HTTP_GEOIP_CITY CITY_DB/​city/​names/​en
 +  HTTP_GEOIP_CITY_COUNTRY_NAME CITY_DB/​country/​names/​en
 +  HTTP_GEOIP_REGION CITY_DB/​subdivisions/​0/​iso_code
 +  HTTP_GEOIP_LATITUDE CITY_DB/​location/​latitude
 +  HTTP_GEOIP_LONGITUDE CITY_DB/​location/​longitude
 +{{ :​litespeed_wiki:​cache:​common:​litespeed-geoip2-variables-e4-1.png?​600 |}}
 +The following will show in phpinfo.php page:
 +  _SERVER["​HTTP_GEOIP_CITY"​] Montville
 +{{ :​litespeed_wiki:​cache:​common:​litespeed-geoip2-variables-e4-2.png?​400 |}}
 ==== MaxMind Legacy Database ==== ==== MaxMind Legacy Database ====
Line 172: Line 261:
   ​   ​
 GeoIP rewrite rules that do not work as expected may be more complicated. You will need to check the rules to look for issues such as a redirect loop. When needed, you can log a ticket with us. Let us know the rules set is not working as expected, and provide a more detailed test example for us to take a further look.  GeoIP rewrite rules that do not work as expected may be more complicated. You will need to check the rules to look for issues such as a redirect loop. When needed, you can log a ticket with us. Let us know the rules set is not working as expected, and provide a more detailed test example for us to take a further look. 
 +==== Out of date database caused IP not blocked ====
 +A user setup the following at /​etc/​apache2/​conf.d/​userdata/​geoip.conf: ​
 +  <​IfModule mod_geoip.c>​
 +  RewriteEngine on
 +  RewriteCond %{ENV:​GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE} !^(GB|DK|US|IN)$
 +  RewriteRule (wp-login|xmlrpc)\.php$ - [F,L]
 +  </​IfModule>​
 +Tested from an IP x.x.x.x (NG/​Nigeria/​-),​ it should be blocked but it didnot.
 +Further analysis showing the above IP blongs to North Carolina, US in that downloaded MaxMind database and look like the record on that old database is incorrrect. If the database is not kept up to date, it will result in incorrect information.
 +You can keep the database up to date from time to time manually by doing a direct download of the database, or you can use the [[https://​dev.maxmind.com/​geoip/​geoipupdate/​|geoipupdate -tool]], so your system automatically keeps the file up to date whenever MaxMind updates the records in the database.
  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2020/11/14 15:24
  • by Lisa Clarke