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litespeed_wiki:cache:litemage_faq [2015/06/24 13:09]
Michael Alegre
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-====== LiteMage Cache Frequently Asked Questions ====== ​ 
-==== What's the difference between LiteMage Cache and LS Cache/​LiteSpeed Cache? ====  
-LiteMage Cache is the world'​s fastest full page cache developed only for Magento. While LS Cache is a general cache solution for most of the applications. LS Cache works like Apache mod_cache or Varnish, but is implemented in a more efficient way. 
-LiteMage Cache uses the LiteMage extension for Magento and an improved version of LS Cache to deliver superior caching with ESI implementation geared specifically for Magento. 
-==== Can I use LiteMage on LSWS version 4.x.x? ====  
-No. You have to use LSWS 5.0+ to get ESI support. 
-==== Is LiteMage free? ====  
-LiteMage is FREE till April 2016. You have plenty of time to enjoy this super fast full page cache. Overall, LiteMage with LiteSpeed will save your a lot on hardware cost while achieving high performance for your Magento store. ​ 
-==== How to enable LiteMage log file? ==== 
-  - Magento Admin page: System→Configuration→Advanced→ Developer → Log Setting → Enabled. Make sure it's enabled at store scope. 
-  - Magento Admin page: System→Configuration→LiteMage Configuration→ Developer Testing → Enable Debug →yes. 
-system.log will be generated in magento_installation_directory/​var/​log. 
-==== Can I enable certain IPs for testing? ====  
-Yes, and it is highly recommended to do so especially on production servers. To enable this, go to Magento Admin -> System -> Configuration -> LITEMAGE CACHE -> LiteMage Configuration -> Developer Testing -> Enable LiteMage Cache Only for Listed IPs 
  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2015/06/24 13:09
  • by Michael Alegre