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LiteMage Cache Frequently Asked Questions

What's the difference between LiteMage Cache and LS Cache/LiteSpeed Cache

LiteMage Cache is the world's fastest Magento full page cache and developed only for Magento. While LS Cache is a general cache solution for most of the applications. LS Cache works like Apache mod_cache or Varnish, but is implemented in a more efficient way.

LiteMage Cache uses the LiteMage Magento extension and an improved version of LS Cache to deliver superior caching with ESI implementation geared specifically for Magento.

Can I use LiteMage on LSWS version 4.x.x

No. You have to use LSWS 5.0+ to get ESI support.

  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2015/05/27 19:37
  • by Jackson Zhang