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LiteMage Cache Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between LiteMage Cache and LSCache?

LiteMage Cache is the world's fastest full page cache developed only for use with Magento. LSCache is a general caching solution for most applications. LSCache works similarly to Apache's mod_cache or Varnish, but is implemented in a more efficient way.

LiteMage Cache uses the LiteMage extension for Magento and an improved version of LSCache to deliver superior caching with an ESI implementation geared specifically for Magento pages.

Can I use LiteMage with LSWS version 4.x.x?

No. Only LSWS versions 5.0+ have ESI support.

Is LiteMage free?

LiteMage will be FREE until April 2016, meaning you still have plenty of time to try our super-fast full page cache. Overall, LiteSpeed + LiteMage will save you a ton on hardware costs while also achieving a high performance increase for your Magento store.

How to enable the LiteMage log file

  1. From the Magento Admin Panel: Navigate to System → Configuration and under “Advanced” in the left side menu, click “Developer”. Under “Log Settings” set “Enabled” to “Yes”. Make sure it is enabled within the store's scope as well.
  2. From the Magento Admin Panel: Navigate to System → Configuration and under “LITEMAGE CACHE” in the left side menu, click “LiteMage Configuration”. Under “Developer Testing” set “Enable Debug” to “Yes”.

system.log will now be generated in magento_installation_directory/var/log.

Can I enable certain IPs for testing?

Yes, and it is highly recommended to do so especially on production servers. To enable this, go to Magento Admin → System → Configuration → LITEMAGE CACHE → LiteMage Configuration → Developer Testing → Enable LiteMage Cache Only for Listed IPs

  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2015/07/08 18:33
  • by Michael Alegre