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litespeed_wiki:cache:lscjoomla [2020/01/20 17:42]
Jackson Zhang [Installation and Configuration]
litespeed_wiki:cache:lscjoomla [2020/07/14 17:02]
Lisa Clarke Redirect to new Documentation Site
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-====== LiteSpeed Cache for Joomla with VirtueMart support ====== +~~REDIRECT>​https://docs.litespeedtech.com/​lscache/lscjoomla/overview/~~
-LiteSpeed'​s LSCache for Joomla is a high performance,​ low cost, user friendly cache extension for Joomla v3.x+ sites running on a LiteSpeed web server. It will tremendously speed up your site, and reduce server load with minimal management efforts.  +
- +
-For most Joomla sites, the default settings work well. However, LSCJoomla is flexible and provides many ways to fine-tune your cache, if you are so inclined. +
- +
-For advanced Joomla sites such as e-commerce sites, LiteSpeed'​s cutting-edge ESI functionality combined with cache options for logged-in users allows your complex business site to run with the efficiency of a static file site. Your store'​s pleasant user experience will encourage repeat customers. +
- +
-The smart auto-purge feature minimizes cache management needs. No more worrying about synchronization problems. LSCJoomla will detect that you changed an article, you changed a menu setting, or you changed a module setting. Then, it will //​automatically purge related pages//. This gives you the freedom to set a longer cache expiration time and improve visitor experience, confident that the cache will be purged when the relevant content or setting changes. +
- +
-Some components and some pages may not work well with cache. LiteSpeed Cache for Joomla allows flexible exclude rules for those components and pages.  +
- +
-**NOTE**: Since the **VirtueMart** eCommerce component is a Joomla component, LiteSpeed'​s LSCache plugin for Joomla supports VirtueMart by default and there is no extra plugin required. +
-===== Requirements ===== +
-LiteSpeed Cache for Joomla requires: +
-  * Joomla 3.x or later +
-  * Either LiteSpeed Web Server Enterprise 5.2.3 or later, or OpenLiteSpeed 1.4 or later +
- +
-**NOTE**: Enterprise edition is required in order to use the ESI feature. ESI will be disabled with OpenLiteSpeed. +
- +
-===== Installation and Configuration ===== +
- +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​lscjoomla:​installation|Installation]]|How to install and enable LSCJoomla| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​lscjoomla:​verification|Verification]]|How to know if LSCJoomla is working| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​lscjoomla:​configuration|Configuration]]|A guide to the LSCJoomla Settings| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​lscjoomla:​crawler|Crawler]]|How to setup crawler cron job for LSCJoomla| +
-|[[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​lscjoomla:​faq|FAQ]]|LSCJoomla Frequently Asked Questions| +
- +
-===== Support ===== +
-Need more help? Here are a few options: +
-  * Ask on [[https://www.litespeedtech.com/​support/forum/forums/litespeed-cache-extension-for-joomla.39/​|our forum]] +
-  * Visit [[https://​www.litespeedtech.com/​slack|our slack community]] and add the ''#​joomla-cache''​ channel +
- +
-The LiteSpeed Cache extension is released under the GNU General Public Licence (GPL). See [[https://​www.litespeedtech.com/​products/​cache-plugins|our website]] for more information.+
  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2020/10/10 14:02
  • by Lisa Clarke