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Customizing PrestaShop v1.7 for Use with LSCPS

PrestaShop v1.7 introduces {widget} and {widget_block} elements that can be used in Smarty templates directly.

To ensure a hole is punched for a widget, you must define it as an ESI block. Currently, this can not be automated. You will have to manually place LSCache hooks to mark the beginning and the end of each ESI block in the template. LSCache relies on these hooks to trigger the ESI injection.

It currently only impacts cart (ps_shoppingcart) and login (ps_customersignin) blocks at the time of this writing.

The Cart (ps_shoppingcart) and Login (ps_customersignin) blocks already have hooks defined in the default “classic” template so there is no need to change template files for those particular blocks in that particular template. If ps_shoppingcart and ps_customersignin are not triggered through hooks, but through {widget} or {widget_block}, you will have to manually update the template file.

Surround {widget name=“ps_customersignin”} with ESI hooks like so:

{hook h="litespeedEsiBegin" m="ps_customersignin" field="widget"}
{widget name="ps_customersignin"}
{hook h="litespeedEsiEnd"}

If the widget also includes a hook parameter, you need to include that in litespeedEsiBegin as well. For example, {widget name=“module_name” hook=“specific_hook”}

will change to

{hook h="litespeedEsiBegin" m="module_name" field="widget" hook="specific_hook"}
{widget name="module_name"}
{hook h="litespeedEsiEnd"}

For {widget_block}, if there’s any html code, that will need to be put aside into a template file. So this:

{widget_block name=”module_name”}
Smarty / html

becomes this:

{hook h="litespeedEsiBegin" m="module_name" field="widget_block" tpl="template_path.tpl"}
{widget_block name=”module_name”}
Smarty / html
{hook h="litespeedEsiEnd"}

where the contents of <template_path>.tpl exactly match what is written in the Smarty / html section.

This allows us to use ESI to punch a hole for this widget and regenerate the content later.

Let’s take the “warehouse” template as an example, and say header.tpl located at themes/warehouse/templates/_partials/header.tpl uses variant 1.

Make changes to template

in header.tpl:

    {if $iqitTheme.h_layout == 1}
      {include file='_partials/_variants/header-1.tpl'}

As the above code indicated, the actual header template is {include file='_partials/_variants/header-1.tpl'}

You will need to modify _partials/_variants/header-1.tpl. Make sure you backup your file before doing any changes.

vi _partials/_variants/header-1.tpl

1. ps_shoppingcart as widget_block

Replace the following:

	{widget_block name="ps_shoppingcart"}
		{include 'module:ps_shoppingcart/ps_shoppingcart-default.tpl'}


	{hook h="litespeedEsiBegin" m="ps_shoppingcart" field="widget_block" tpl="module:ps_shoppingcart/ps_shoppingcart-default.tpl"} 
        {widget_block name="ps_shoppingcart"}
		{include 'module:ps_shoppingcart/ps_shoppingcart-default.tpl'}
        {hook h="litespeedEsiEnd"}

2. ps_customersignin as widget

Replace the following:

	{widget name="ps_customersignin"}


	{hook h="litespeedEsiBegin" m="ps_customersignin" field="widget"}
        {widget name="ps_customersignin"}
        {hook h="litespeedEsiEnd"}

3. ps_customersignin as widget_block

Replace the following:

         {widget_block name="ps_customersignin"}
         {include 'module:ps_customersignin/ps_customersignin-btn.tpl'}


         {hook h="litespeedEsiBegin" m="ps_customersignin" field="widget_block" tpl="module:ps_customersignin/ps_customersignin-btn.tpl"} 
         {widget_block name="ps_customersignin"}
         {include 'module:ps_customersignin/ps_customersignin-btn.tpl'}
         {hook h="litespeedEsiEnd"}

Make changes to multi-templates

Sometime header.tpl located at themes/warehouse/templates/_partials/header.tpl may use various variants, such as the following:

  {if $iqitTheme.h_layout == 1}
      {include file='_partials/_variants/header-1.tpl'}
  {elseif $iqitTheme.h_layout == 2}
      {include file='_partials/_variants/header-2.tpl'}
  {elseif $iqitTheme.h_layout == 3}
      {include file='_partials/_variants/header-3.tpl'}
  {elseif $iqitTheme.h_layout == 4}
      {include file='_partials/_variants/header-4.tpl'}
  {elseif $iqitTheme.h_layout == 5}
      {include file='_partials/_variants/header-5.tpl'}
  {elseif $iqitTheme.h_layout == 6}
      {include file='_partials/_variants/header-6.tpl'}
  {elseif $iqitTheme.h_layout == 7}
      {include file='_partials/_variants/header-7.tpl'}

In this case, you will need to back up 7 header files and make changes to these templates from header-1.tpl to header-7.tpl, the same way as shown above.

  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2018/02/05 21:54
  • by Jackson Zhang