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litespeed_wiki:cache:lscwp:configuration:cache [2018/01/25 21:42]
Lisa Clarke [Status] Added database fields
litespeed_wiki:cache:lscwp:configuration:cache [2020/11/14 15:19]
Lisa Clarke Redirect to new Documentation Site
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== LSCWP Configuration SettingsCache ====== +~~REDIRECT>​https://docs.litespeedtech.com/lscache/​lscwp/​cache/​~~
- +
-{{:​litespeed_wiki:​cache:​lscwp:​lscwp-settings-cache.png?​direct&​900|}} +
- +
-===== Cache Logged-in Users ===== +
- +
-//on// +
- +
-This setting allows content to be cached for logged-in usersPages will be stored in private cache by IP/session ID. +
- +
-===== Cache Commenters ===== +
- +
-//on// +
- +
-This option is useful for the WordPress option that requires moderation on guest comments. If that option is set, this option will serve the cached version of the page, meaning the commenters will not see their under moderation comments. If off, commenters will not be served from cache. +
- +
-===== Cache REST API ===== +
- +
-//on// +
- +
-This option allows you to cache requests that are made by WordPress REST API calls. +
- +
-===== Cache Login Page ===== +
-//on// +
- +
-This option will cache the login page. Normally, there is no reason to uncheck this option. However, if there is something that may identify a user on the page, this should be off. +
- +
-===== Cache favicon.ico ===== +
-//on// +
- +
-This option will cache the favicon.ico response if it does not exist. The reason for caching this is because if the file does not exist, it will load WordPress every time. This will avoid that extra call. +
- +
-===== Cache PHP Resources ===== +
-//on// +
- +
-This option will cache any PHP resources loaded by themes. Generally speaking, these are css or js resources loaded in PHP. In most cases, these are static outputs, so there is no reason to load PHP every time. If they are in fact dynamic, this should be off. +
- +
-===== Cache Mobile ===== +
- +
-//off// +
- +
-This option enables users to display a separate html for mobile and desktop views. This is primarily used for non-responsive themes, but can also be used in situations where different widgets are loaded depending on browser type. +
- +
-The list of Mobile View User Agents must not be empty when this is on. +
- +
-===== List of Mobile User Agents ===== +
- +
-//​disabled/​string//​ +
- +
-If **Cache Mobile** is set to ''​off'',​ this text box will be grayed-out. Once enabled,  +
-this list should be filled in with a rewrite-rule-friendly list of user agents. +
- +
-SYNTAX: Each entry should be separated with a bar, '​|'​. Any spaces should be escaped with a backslash before the space, '\ '. +
-The default list WordPress uses is ''​Mobile|Android|Silk/​|Kindle|BlackBerry|Opera\ Mini|Opera\ Mobi''​ +
- +
-===== Private Cached URIs ===== +
-//empty string// +
- +
-A list of path patterns that should never be publicly-cached. To make an exact match, add a ''​$''​ to the end. One per line. +
- +
-Examples:  +
-  *''​private''​ matches ''​category/​private'',​ ''​category/​private-posts'',​ ''​tag/​private'',​ and ''​2017/​10/​i-took-a-private-phone-call''​. +
-  *''/​category/​private''​ matches ''/​category/​private''​ and ''/​category/​private-posts''​. +
-  *''/​category/​private$''​ matches only ''/​category/​private''​. +
- +
-===== Object Cache ===== +
-//OFF// +
- +
-Object Cache is disabled by default. Select ''​ON''​ to enable it and the configure it via the settings described below. You can learn more about object cache [[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​lscwp:​configuration:​cache:​object_cache|here]]. +
- +
-==== Method ==== +
-//​Memcached//​ +
- +
-If your object ​cache is Memcached or LSCMC, set **Method** to ''​Memcached''​. If your object cache is Redis, set **Method** to ''​Redis''​. +
- +
-==== Host ==== +
-//​localhost//​ +
- +
-The hostname or IP address used by your Memcached or LSMCD object cache. The default setting should work fine for you, if your Memcached is set up via a TCP connection. If you are using a UNIX socket, **Host** should be set to ''/​path/​to/​memcached.sock''​. (Substitute the actual path used for your installation.) +
- +
-==== Port ==== +
-//11211// +
- +
-The port number used by your object cache. The default setting should work fine for you, if your Memcached is set up via a TCP connection. If you are using a UNIX socket, **Port** should be set to ''​0''​. +
- +
-==== Default Object Lifetime ==== +
-//360// +
- +
-The TTL for items stored in the object cache. We recommend using a relatively short time in order to avoid stale results. +
- +
-==== Status ==== +
- +
-An informational area to let you know the status of your external object cache. If you are getting errors here, please see [[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​lscwp:​configuration:​cache:​object_cache#​how_to_debug|How to Debug your Oject Cache Setup]]. +
- +
-==== Username ==== +
-Only available when SASL is installed and the object caching method is Memcached. +
- +
-==== Password ==== +
-Specify the password used when connecting. +
- +
-==== Redis Database ID ==== +
-Database to be used. This field only appears when the object caching method is Redis. +
- +
- +
-==== Global Groups ==== +
-//users \\ +
-userlogins \\ +
-usermeta \\ +
-user_meta \\ +
-site-transient \\ +
-site-options \\ +
-site-lookup \\ +
-blog-lookup \\ +
-blog-details \\ +
-rss \\ +
-global-posts \\ +
-blog-id-cache//​ +
- +
-A list of groups that should be cached at the network level. +
- +
-==== Do Not Cache Groups ==== +
-//comment \\ +
-counts \\ +
-plugins// +
- +
-A list of groups that should not be included in object cache. +
- +
-==== Persistent Connection ==== +
-//ON// +
- +
-If enabled, the connection is kept alive in order to make Memcached faster. +
- +
-==== Cache WP Admin ==== +
-//OFF// +
- +
-If enabled, WordPress admin will be sped up, but at the risk of occasionally retrieving stale data from the object cache. +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
-===== Browser Cache ===== +
-//off// +
- +
-When Browser Cache is enabled, static files (such as images, css, and videos) are stored locally on the user's device to make subsequent retrieval much faster. ​ You can learn more about this setting [[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​lscwp:​browser_cache|here]]. +
- +
-===== Browser Cache TTL ===== +
-//​2592000//​ +
- +
-The amount of time, in seconds, that files will be stored in the browser cache before expiring. Minimum is 30 seconds. Recommended value is 2592000 (which is 30 days). +
- +
-===== Drop Query String ===== +
-//empty string// +
- +
-This setting allows you to specify the query strings that should be ignored by LSCache. +
- +
-Some query strings, particularly those that are used for marketing or analytics purposes, have no effect on the content that is displayed on the page. The page renders the same with and without these query strings. As such, it should not be necessary to store multiple copies of the page in the cache. [[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​drop_query_string|Learn more]]. +
  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2020/11/14 15:19
  • by Lisa Clarke